Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Other pay per click programs

Adsense Vs Other Pay Per Click Programs
Using other Pay Per Click programs is one of the thing i think about all the time. The question thatcomes to mind is whether these Pay Per Click Programs are better than adsense.
If you thinking of trying out other Pay Per click Programs you better look at the advantages and dis advantages of the other progams compared to adsense.

Adbrite Vs Adsense
In this case adsense pays more than adbrite this is reported by webmasters who have tested Adbrite.Adbrite also does not provide relevant ads which might decrease the CTR meaning less clicks , less money as compared to adsense which provide a lot of relevant ads.
The only thing that is great about adbrite is that you get paid after you have maid $10 aren't like Adsense's $100 .The winner in this Pay Per Click battle is adsense you can use adbrite if you have been banned from adsense.

Kontera Vs Adsense

The greatest thing about Kontera is the relevant ads they provide,ads on kontera are place in the text itself example lets say you want ads on the word domain to appear you simply choose that word and every time the mouse cursor passes that word , An ad about domains apprears these are called in-text ads the ads are bright and lovely.

When it comes to the pay out Adsense still pays more that Kontera but the nice thing is that you can use both of them at the same time , this can increase your earning.Take note that Kontera is limited to some countries while adsense is international that another thing that is good about adsense.

Clickarea Vs Adsens

Click area pays way less compared to adsense i would advise bloggers to opt for adsense in this case.

Bidclix Vs Adsense

In this case some webmasters have reported low earning with bidclix and the generation of irrelavant ads so in this case adsense wins

Yahoo YPN Vs Adsense

Publishers using yahoo have reported a good pay with yahoo ypn.This might be because the ypn program is still in BETA so we dont know the future but my guess is that their pay outs will be higher than adsense.

The disadvantage with ypn is that the program is limited to some countries but there have been talks about it going international soon.

Other pay per click programs













Enhance Interactive

Fastclick text ads





Miva (FindWhat/Espotting)




If you know of others please leave a comment

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